HomePPC Paid Social Agency ServicesSuccess-Driven TikTok Ads Agency Services

Success-Driven TikTok Ads Agency Services


We're the Success-Driven TikTok Ads Agency

The TikTok paid ads agency, built by past TikTok employees and TikTok partners

TikTok Marketing Success (TikTok Ad Content Creation)

TikTok’s meteoric rise to popularity and its surging increase of super-engaged users led to the launch of our TikTok Ads Agency.

TikTok influencer marketing and TikTok Paid Ads have paved the way for brands to capture the hearts of the most engaged users in the world, whilst gaining a competitive advantage. Our TikTok Ads agency offers fully managed TikTok ads services. Further, we do everything from bespoke content creation to regular ads management. We drive all of the results which requires little leg work from you.

TikTok Ads, the Fastest Growing Social Ads Platform

Without a shadow of a doubt, TikTok is the new frontier of social media marketing that you can leverage to push your brand to greater heights. TikTok Ads Platform works well for most B2C Brands.

Get access to 800M+ active users globally

TikTok boasts a whopping 800M active monthly users! Drive sales by reaching your target demographic with bespoke content, curated by our talented TikTok Creators. Our bespoke TikTok paid ads management service utilise powerful messaging, highly-admired TikTok Influencers, and TikTok’s viral growth platform to place your brand in front of millions of millennials and GenZ users.

Drive traffic, engagement, sales, and app installs

Our TikTok paid ads strategy helps drive your customers to take action with paid media that boosts sales, app installs, engagement or awareness. Notably, our robust and performance-based creatives get people talking and taking your desired actions. So, in other words, we launch your brand where it needs to be. And we help you compete and win with proven strategies.

Why work with our TikTok Ads Agency

At the House of Marketers TikTok Ads Agency, we execute TikTok ads campaigns that your customers will actually enjoy, and want to engage with. Our success story derives from a deep understanding of millennial and GenZ culture. Be part of this story.

5* Client feedback from industry leading brands

We pride ourselves as a leading TikTok paid ads agency, globally

Unrivalled expertise and incredible creator network

A strong, seasoned in-house team and a large pool of 50,000 creators

Insider knowledge of TikTok platform algorithms

An in-depth understanding of both the organic and paid ads side of TikTok

How our TikTok Ads Agency campaign process works

Our TikTok Ads Agency Campaign Services

Paid + Creative + Influencers combined

TikTok Ads Content - Influencer services

Objective-Focused Campaigns

At the House of Marketers, we help you set your marketing objectives right and provide your brand the right direction to meet your set goals. Each paid social ads campaign should focus on one main objective (either reach, traffic, app installs, video views, or conversions).

TikTok Ads Reach Campaigns

Capturing the eyes and hearts of as many people in your target audience is the aim of our TikTok Ads Reach campaigns. The objective allows you to get people familiar with your brand, product, app, or service on the TikTok ads platform. Brands often use reach campaigns to increase awareness and recognition whilst building brand trust.

TikTok Ads Awareness Campaigns

Our TikTok ads awareness campaigns focus on creating constant love and attention for your brand. It’s the consideration phase. We put together a plan that delivers either traffic, video views, as well as increased audience engagement through the like’s comments, likes, ad shares, and increased virality through branded hashtags.

TikTok Ads Direct Conversion Campaigns

We have the expertise and cutting-edge proprietary technology to guarantee a KPI-driven user experience that increases app installs, customer registrations, sales, and more. As your business presence on TikTok grows, your campaign objectives will also change. So whether you are aiming for more eyeballs, more traffic, or more conversions, our Influencer Ads Agency makes it happen.

Fully Managed TikTok Paid Ads Campaigns

TikTok Ads Reach and Awareness Campaigns​

Due to its unique nature and recent emergence, most brands are unfamiliar with the creatives required to make a powerful impact on TikTok. Our skilled creative team will help you develop customized TikTok Influencer Ads assets and creatives that will differentiate your brand from competitors.

Through continuous ads performance analysis and optimisations, we will help you create a buzz, raise interest, generate excitement, and move your target audience along the knowledge timeline.

TikTok Brand Channel Assets - Influencer services
Holding branded trainers - TikTok business profile content

TikTok Ads Direct Conversion Campaigns

For businesses starting on the TikTok ads platform, you may be experiencing complications with simple tasks, such as getting your ads approved, or even more complex issues, like ensuring your creatives are targeted at the most relevant people to drive optimal conversions.

Fortunately, when you utilise our TikTok Ads Agency management services, we handle everything, from the start to the end. Our campaign management strategy includes consistent measurements, reports, and professional recommendations that ensure you don’t miss a thing in your campaigns.

TikTok Asset Creation and Asset Editing for Ads (Ad remixing service)

TikTok Ads are outpacing other social platforms in nearly every category, but you need what works for you for the ads, to work for your brand.  In most cases, many brands will try adapting other social media platforms’ assets into TikTok but with little or no success.

At House of Marketers, we have a solution for this. We reinvent what you have in stock, or create fresh content and adapt it to the platform using trending audio and concepts that have a considerable impact. The good news is, you don’t have to worry about having in-house high-quality production tools or even a creative director to produce creative campaigns because we have you covered!

TikTok influencer marketing agency

Our TikTok Ad Content Creation Service

Creative Influencer Content for Paid Social Media Ads

TikTok Ads platform - The new heart of creativity

Creating quality content for TikTok is an art form that very few can achieve on a consistent basis. It requires the right balance of creativity and knowledge of brands, audiences, and the TikTok platform itself, in addition to insight on evolving TikTok trends. 

A formidabble strategic partner

Having House Of Marketers in your corner for strategic TikTok ad creation gives you a instant competitive advantage in your niche. We’re home to the largest network of global TikTok influencers who cater to any market imaginable. What’s more, we work collaboratively with our clients and influencers to create inspired, targeted content, which aligns with your brand and resonates with your specific niche.

Our TikTok Agency Paid Ads Campaign Creative Strategy

The most TikTok ads common tactic used by many brands has been the misuse of creatives and content they’ve published on other platforms. Consequently, their content doesn’t live up to performance expectations on TikTok’s ad platform. They hinder smooth user experience and therefore lose the attention of users. You don’t have long to capture attention on TikTok.

At House of Marketers, our creative team has changed the way industry-leading brands use TikTok ads to achieve campaign objectives. Our paid ads campaigns breathe fresh air into the marketing ecosystem by focusing on generating user-generated content. We create explosive content by talented influencers, and fuel engagement by scaling the budget of high-performing ads.

Creative Campaign Strategies we can employ

TikTok Influencer Sponsored Endorsements

You can expect the most audacious, authentic, and KPI-driven influencer endorsements when working with us. We work with our network of 50,000 TikTok influencers to high-quality content that not only stands out in TikTok feeds and placements, but comes across as incredibly authentic. Whether your TikTok influencers are reviewing your app or product verbally, or demonstrating it in action, we will make sure it is engineered to deliver the optimum performance when they’re boosted by our paid social experts.

TikTok Branded Hashtag Challenges

TikTok Branded Hashtag Challenges are the bloodline of TikTok. However, unlike organic challenges, branded hashtag challenges are sponsored challenges that help us increase the likelihood of getting your content trending. The best part of this TikTok ad format is that you can have several of them, and they provide an opportune space for brands to integrate with TikTok culture and community. TikTok is all about remixing sounds and actions that other users post. They translate to an astounding 17.5% median engagement rate.

TikTok In-Feed Ads

The in-feed ads last for 15 seconds and show up natively as the user scrolls through their feeds. Typically, users interact with in-feed ads as they wind through regular unsponsored feeds; this means your ads get a great coverage spot for engagements (including comments, likes, and shares). Furthermore, to tap the power in in-feed ads, we ensure your ads are highly relevant.

Branded Effects Ads

The branded effects ads make use of sharable filters, special effects, and stickers on TikTok. Sometimes we work with our creators to leverage TikTok’s AI and augmented reality-powered creative tools to improve their content. The effects can be used as stand-alone creatives or with hashtag challenges for maximum engagement.

Paid Brand Takeover Ads

The paid branded takeover ad appears upon the user opening the app. It is a full-screen ad, and it is either a 5 seconds GIF or video that can be linked to your landing pages or your very own hashtag challenge. However, this placement is very scarce and can require premium pricing because TikTok only shows one Brand Takeover Ad to a user each day.

TikTok TopView Ads

The TopView ad format works just like the branded takeover ads format. The difference is that the format shows up for up to 5 minutes after the user opens the app. Your TikTok TopView ads show up at the top of the ‘for you’ page, allowing the creator to build content of up to 60 seconds that plays automatically with your chosen audio track

 About our TikTok Ads Influencer Selection Criteria

TikTok’s reach and popularity has been fuelled by the influencers and creators on the platform. House of Marketers helps leading brands partner with leading brand ambassadors, so they can see a high return on investment, with little leg-work from the brand’s side. We bridge this gap.

Combining TikTok Organic content with TikTok Paid Ads

The TikTok community likes to explore sections throughout the TikTok platform. Thus, hitting a balance between organic content, influencer partnerships, and TikTok Paid Ads keeps your brand dynamic and deeply connected within the platform.

A well-thought-out strategic roadmap

Organic branded TikTok content is where influencers create and share branded content on their profiles to promote your business without any additional budget boosting the videos. On the other hand, in paid ads, businesses push branded influencer content to an audience with a budget that can help you almost guarantee certain KPIs to be hit (for example, we could help you reach 1 million video views with a tailored budget).

At House of marketers, we’ve discovered a winning formula for attaining a great ROI from TikTok paid ads and organic TikTok content. Our targeting processes allow us to optimise ads effectively and get the best possible result from your TikTok campaigns.


Opening tiktok app - Influencer Strategy
Influencer services

Why brands pick TikTok over Instagram and YouTube

TikTok is undoubtedly a thriving community where creativity and entertainment bloom. It is a meeting point for millions of people who come to express themselves, showcase talent, and discover new trends. Brands are joining the trend and embracing the community’s diverse audience to build themselves, and we are sure you don’t want to miss out.  So, why are brands choosing TikTok over YouTube and Instagram?

First, because the atmosphere on TikTok is quite relaxed and calm. Unlike Instagram and YouTube, where it has set ‘standards’ regarding content creation. Content on TikTok is quite relatable and often involves everyday scenarios. TikTok also includes a wide range of content styles in its portfolio

Additionally, the platform has not been around for long. It is the new gem in town, and those who strike first will leap ahead. The playing ground is still level and is not over-saturated yet, so it is easier for brands to achieve high engagement rates on TikTok than on YouTube or Instagram

And lastly, TikTok’s users are the most engaged users of any social platform. Our TikTok influencers have an average engagement rate of over 16% 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do TikTok ads work effectively?

Simple answer. Yes. When managed properly, TikTok ads can be incredibly more effective than other more established ad platforms. And we think this is because of the type of content which the platform encourages.

Is TikTok the best platform for influencer marketing?

We have little doubt that TikTok is the best ad platform for B2C brands that are targeting millennials and genZ. TikTok influencers have developed remarkably engaged communities, that actually enjoy branded content when creatively produced.

We believe… In fact, we know that TikTok platform is so undervalued right now, and that’s exactly why we put 95% of our energy into helping brands navigate it. We recommend that you scale up your TikTok campaigns before your competitors get an even bigger headstart.

Which industries does House Of Marketers specialize in?

We’re a dynamic influencer marketing agency catering to a wide range of industries thanks to our adaptive style. With some requisite tweaks, our proven strategies transfer across many verticals. While House Of Marketer has run campaigns in numerous industries for brands located all over the world, we mostly specialise in entertainment, gaming, health & beauty, apps, retail / ecommerce, social networks, as well as food & drink. Reach out to our friendly team to learn more about how we can help you to reach and engage your audience.

Ready to launch your first campaign with the House of Marketers Agency?

Our creative team will put together your free campaign proposal. Our delivery team will execute it.